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Titel: The Sermon on the Mount - Part 15/16 - The Narrow Gate
Autor: David PackerWeitere Informationen abrufen
Ort: IBC Stuttgart, International Baptist Church, Untere Waldplätze 38, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen - Sunday Morning Service (2nd Service)
Bibelstelle: Matthew 7, 12-23
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Predigt, Gottesdienst
Datum/Uhrzeit: 11.11.2018
Dauer: 36:47
Seiten: 24
ID: 31098
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Schlüsselworte: We live in a very pluralistic society today. The only unforgiveable sin, to the man on the street, is to say that there is absolute truth. We are in a battle today for the truth of God, to say to the world that Jesus is the way to God, and that there is no other way. A common false statement made today is that religion, particularly Christianity, has been the primary cause of wars in the past. First, we should admit that there have been tragic historical circumstances where Christians persecuted one another - the Spanish Inquisition, for example. But these things ceased because they were clearly contrary to the teachings of Christianity. Second, and more importantly, however, we should point out that anyone who has read 20th century history must admit that the three movements that caused the bloodiest wars in history were anti-church and anti-god in ideology: Nazism, Leninism, and Maoism. To choose Christ means to believe in him and in his claims, and in the gospel story. It is to believe that he came and lived a sinless life, that he died on the cross a substitutionary death for us, and that he rose from the grave - a miraculous event well-attested to by eyewitnesses who gave their lives for their testimony. And faith in him, choosing the narrow way of truth, results in a transformed life, full of grace and peace. Pastor David Packer

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