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Titel: The Book of Acts: The Story of Us - Part 24/29 - God Leading Us
Autor: David PackerWeitere Informationen abrufen
Ort: IBC Stuttgart, International Baptist Church, Untere Waldplätze 38, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen - Sunday Morning Service (online)
Bibelstelle: Acts 21, 1-16
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Predigt, Gottesdienst
Datum/Uhrzeit: 17.05.2020
Dauer: 37:59
ID: 33730
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Schlüsselworte: Unity is always the Christian ideal – unity in belief, unity in spirit, and unity in decisions and actions. It is a wonderful biblical truth that God leads believers, as individuals and as families and as churches. But sometimes we can disagree about specific decisions and actions. Acts 21 is a biblical example of how Christians can handle disagreements and respect the individual believer and the unity of the Christian community.

This is, however, a very challenging message to preach about how Christians should handle disagreements about the leading of God. But it is a very important message for every church and every Christian in every generation.

Our text is the story from Acts 21:1-16, where the believing community did not agree with Paul's going to Jerusalem. And it gives us a great example of how to handle situations, and how to preserve the unity of the church, when not all agree on decisions and actions. There is an old saying: when you cannot agree, then disagree agreeably.

Questions for Discussion:
Here are some discussion questions you and your family can use:

What do you think is more important: doing the will of God each day or going to some place special to serve God? Why?
How has God used his word to show you his will?
How has God used prayer to show you his will?
How has God used circumstances and other Christians to show you his will?
What do you believe a Christian should do if he disagrees with a church decision?
What do you think a church should do if a church member disagrees with a church decision?
What advice would you give to a young person who says they are trying to find the will of God for their life?
Pastor David

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